ProJect Cork & Rubber It 1 мм

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Код на продукта: 9120082389051

В наличност

88.00 лв / Парче 101.00 лв

      • 30 дни срок за връщане
      • Гаранция 24 месеца
      • Безплатна доставка за поръчки над 200 лева в България
      • За плащане на вноски изберете NETOPIA като процесор за плащане.


      • Избягва статично натоварване
      • По-малко шум
      • Подходящ за всички грамофони
      • Предлага се в две различни дебелини (3 мм и 1 мм)

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      Cork & Rubber it

      Soundtuning with turntable mat

      High quality turntable mat made of a cork-rubber mix

      Isolating the critical parts of your turntable is the most important thing for achieving fantastic sounding vinyl playback. A key step is isolating the actual vinyl record from the turntable platter itself. Quality cartridges are extremely sensitive, and can easily detect interactions between your record and the platter surface.

      Standard felt mats have poor anti-static characteristics, which attracts dust to your precious vinyl. They are often too thin for effective acoustic control of platters, especially those made from metal.

      On the other hand, thick rubber mats can Isolate the record from your turntable too much. This makes the record vulnerable to static build-up, and can result in noise and clicks during playback.

      As the name suggests, Cork & Rubber-it uses a carefully blended mix of cork and rubber to offer the ultimate acoustic control of rubber alongside the anti-static properties of cork. Cork & Rubber it is available in 1mm or 3mm thicknesses, to suit all turntables. The two thickness options allow you to choose what’s best for your turntable, and cater for your personal listening tastes at the same time.

      Recommendation: Try the thick mat on thin metal platters and the thin one on dense or heavy platters!

      Technical Specifications

      Material:   cork & rubber

      Diameter: 300 mm

      Thickness: 1 mm or 3 mm

      Colour: brown

      © 2025, Предоставено от Shopify

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