Пикап ProJect Debut PRO Satin Black (Pick It Pro)

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Избран вариант: Сатенено черно

Код на продукта: 9120097826039

Пита, когато се върне

1,559.00 лв / Парче

    • 30 дни срок за връщане
    • Гаранция 24 месеца
    • Безплатна доставка за поръчки над 200 лева в България
    • За плащане на вноски изберете NETOPIA като процесор за плащане.


    • НОВА предварително настроена касета Pick it PRO
    • НОВО 8,6" еднокомпонентно въглеродно-алуминиево рамо
    • НОВА прецизна алуминиева плоча с TPE амортизация
    • НОВ напълно регулируем VTA
    • НОВ лагерен блок от никелиран алуминий
    • Моторно окачване с по-добра амортизация
    • Метални крачета с регулируема височина
    • Електронен превключвател на скоростта
    • Прецизно ремъчно задвижване с електронен контрол на скоростта
    • 8x ръчно рисувано MDF шаси
    • Първокласен полусиметричен фоно кабел
    • Позлатени RCA конектори
    • Включен капак против прах
    • Ръчно изработени в Европа

    Допълнителна информация

    Линк към производителя: кликни тук

    Съдържание на пакета: виж детайли скрий детайли
    Debut PRO Satin Black
    15V DC / 0.8A захранване
    Покривало против прах
    78 RPM кръгла лента
    7'' единичен адаптер
    Ръководство: свали файла
    Спецификация на продукта: свали файла
    Bundle image

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    Технически спецификации Пикап ProJect Debut PRO Satin Black (Pick It Pro)

    Скорост:33, 45/(78) (електронна промяна на скоростта)
    Принцип на задвижване:ремъчно задвижване с електронен контрол на скоростта
    плато:300 mm, лят под налягане алуминиев поднос с TPE амортизация и филцов мат
    Лагер на плочата:високо прецизна ос от неръждаема стомана в бронзова втулка
    Уау и трептене:33: +/-0.16%; 45: +/-0,14%
    Дрейф на скоростта:33: +/-0,40%; 45: +/-0,50%
    Сигнал към шум:68dB
    Рамо:8,6" рамо от една част от карбон-алуминий
    Ефективна дължина/маса на ръката:218.5mm / 10.0g
    Надвес:18,5 мм
    Включени аксесоари:15V DC / 0.8A захранване, капак за прах, 78 RPM кръгла лента, 7'' единичен адаптер
    Консумирана мощност:4W / 0W в режим на готовност
    Размери:415 x 113 x 320 мм (ШxВxД)
    Тегло:6 кг нето

    Debut PRO

    After the Debut Carbon EVO revolutionized the Debut series in 2020, the Debut PRO raises the bar even higher. We designed not only a new turntable but also a completely new cartridge. Now, for the 30th anniversary, we are again going back to our roots.

    Pick it PRO

    Our new Pick it PRO delivers a more lively and robust sound and convinces with its big dynamic range. The perfect combination of components is the key to achieve the great charismatic sound of the Pick it PRO.


    The Debut PRO brings an absolutely new design to Pro-Ject turntables. The audiophile turntable is convincing in all respects – not only visually, but more importantly also in terms of sound.

    The precision CNC milled parts are optically perfectly coordinated and lead the Debut PRO to its modern simple, elegant and unprecedented design. The nickel finish of all these aluminium components result in a hard, resistant surface. This process enables us to produce very high-quality and sustainable components and avoid plastics and similar materials that continue to age over time and would more importantly also degrade sound quality.

    Deeply driven

    The electronically regulated synchronous motor drives the platter and guarantees the most accurate and stable speeds. Change between them easily with the toggle switch. With the supplied round belt for 78 rpm you can also listen to your shellac records.

    The tonearm bearing is a completely new design. Precision CNC'd out of a single block of aluminium, you can see all the production stages above. The last step is putting a nickel finish on it. This will increase the rigidity of the bearing, ensuring free and fluid movement of the tonearm and precise tracking without material degration in looks or function.

    A new platter – a deeper dish

    The new Debut PRO platter is a first on any Pro-Ject turntable. It features a notch for the record label and together with our Record Puck PRO (available separately) the puck's weight will press your record tightly against the platter. The die-cast aluminium platter is reworked and precision balanced in an extra step to obtain an evenly spinning platter. It is anti-magnetic, allowing MC cartridges to work properly. Delve deep into the vast upgrade path the Debut PRO has to offer!

    The anti-magnetic heavy aluminium platter has a ring made of TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) on the inside that helps to dampen all resonances and minimizes wow and flutter. Our seperately available Record Puck PRO provides an extra level of damping and stability, so it is the perfect add-on for the Debut PRO.


    The new Debut PRO features a one-piece carbon-aluminium sandwich tonearm. The carbon layer gives the tonearm a high degree of rigidity, while the inner aluminium tube takes over the damping of the tonearm. This makes the tonearm perfect to be upgraded with higher-end MC cartridges!


    The newly designed tonearm base allows you to adjust both the azimuth and the vertical tracking angle (VTA). The tonearm height can be continuously adjusted by loosening the two grub screws. These settings give you the option of adapting the tonearm to height changes allowing the use of different turntable mats or other cartridges to always achieve the best sound quality. Setting and experimenting with the VTA & Azimuth is crucial in extracting every last bit of performance out of your cartridges.

    Nickel Coating

    Sustainable components

    The nickel finish of the aluminium components results in a hard, resistant surface.

    Hybrid Tonearm

    Carbon Aluminium Sandwich

    This super stiff and uniquely dampened tonearm ensures perfect tracking of the record groove.

    VTA & Azimuth

    Fully adjustable

    The Debut PRO comes with fully adjustable Azimuth & VTA. It offers you the possibility to modify your turntable as you want it.

    Special Platter

    TPE damped & anti magnetic

    The heavy aluminium platter has a ring made of TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) on the inside that helps to dampen all resonances and minimizes wow and flutter.

    33/45/78 RPM

    High precision motor control

    The playback speeds are electronically controlled with precision, which guarantees the most accurate and stable music reproduction. Change between speeds easily with the toggle switch.

    Bearing block

    Complete new design

    The precision CNC milled tonearm bearing parts are completely new and designed just for the PRO.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Laurentiu Rovo

    Sunt foarte incantat de noua achizitie. La prima vedere este un pick-up solid care nu scoate nici un sunet la manipulare, nu se misca nimic in el. Este foarte stabila viteza, pot spune ca e mai exacta decat la AT140xp care pe pozitia lock nu era 33.3 si chiar oscila.
    Experienta foarte plăcută cu magazinul de la primul telefon pentru consultanta pana la livrarea produsului in mai putin de 24 de ore.
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